Sunday, April 20, 2008


Ok, since Easter I have done a lot.. I went through spring break..blahh.. I had major seperation anxiety..and I finally started to sew a dress which will probably take me 2 years..

Katrina slept over and we stayed up till least I did, Rebecca and Katrina stayed up till 4 and woke up at 8. After all that, we went to panera and walked around Park Ave.

I just found out that I have been waking up at 4 o'clock every morning. 0_O... My clock is totally off and I would set seemed early..Haha.

Our school also just had feild day. I was going to play in the powderpuff game, but the Administration people wouldnt let me because i wasnt in HS and "its a privelige". I was so gonna play center. Haha. Anne has my team shirt..which she shouldnt wash..because, number one: Its ONLY Anne sweat. Number two: Its writen with EXPO and would come off..

My most recently watched movies are: "Evil Under the Sun" with Peter Ustinov as Periot and "Benny and Joon" my new all time favorite movie, with Johnny Depp as Sam, Mary Stewart Masterson as Joon..and this other dude who i cant remember his name. It's a romantic comedy and its VERY AMAZING. WATCH IT!
Right now im at my grand parents house celebrating my dad's birthday and watching parts of "Phantom of the Opera", another great movie.

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